Home-School Contract

Parents/carers are asked to sign and return the copy of our Home-School Contract.

By signing parents/carers agree that:

  • They understand that the full school day runs from 8.30am until 3.20pm, and you give permission for your child to remain at school later for the purpose of attending after-school extra-curricular activities
  • They confirm that you give permission for your child to leave the school grounds under the care of the school to undertake non-hazardous activities to support his/her learning. This might include a short journey by minibus
  • They confirm that you give consent for the school and its representatives to photograph or record your child and use such media in school literature, including the school website
  • They understand the school will not authorise holiday leave for students during their Key Stage 4 phase of education (Year 10/11)

And that as a parent/carer they will:

  • See that their child attends school regularly, on time, correctly dressed and properly equipped
  • Make the school aware of any medical conditions, concerns or problems that might affect their child’s behaviour or ability to learn effectively
  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour and encourage their child to do the same
  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about their child’s progress
  • Get to know about the life of the school and the range of learning experiences that are offered to their child
  • Support their child in the learning they are expected to do at home, including ensuring that it is completed on time 
  • Support their child in other opportunities for learning outside of school

In return, The Swanage School promises to:

  • Promote high standards of work and behaviour, and provide clear guidelines for parents, carers and students
  • Encourage all aspects of each child’s development: intellectual, physical, creative, emotional, moral and spiritual
  • Provide experiences during and beyond the school day that will challenge and excite each child as they prepare for adult life in an ever‑changing world
  • Enable academic success to be balanced by opportunities to shine in sports, the arts, community service and other areas reflecting each child’s skills and interests
  • Help to ensure that the decisions each child makes about his/her future will be well judged and will make the most of their skills and interests
  • Keep parents/carers well informed about school matters in general and their child’s progress in particular
  • Help parents/carers to help their child make the most of his/her time at the school 
  • Keep each child safe and promote his/her wellbeing
  • Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for parents/carers to become involved in the life of the school