Over the past few months, our Race Team have been hard at work getting ready for their inaugural race in the qualifying rounds of the Greenpower Formula 24 Championship, being held at Goodwood on Sunday 30th April 2023.
Construction and engineering
Having taken delivery of a single seat electric 'kit car' in 2021, the founding members of the Race Team completed the initial chassis construction and engineering, and started work on design for bodywork. At the start of the 2023 academic year, the mantle passed to the 2023 team members to construct the bodywork, design the livery, test, and make logistical arrangements to be race ready.

Design work to bodywork
The tech team members used 'Autodesk Fusion 360', a 3D modelling CAD software platform to produce visualisations of the car structure and aero surfaces which assisted in the design and production of the vehicle's bodywork. Once a design was agreed, templates were cut on black sheet material and, from these, bodywork pieces were able to be accurately cut and moulded from Forex.

The unveiling of 'Sub Zero'
A visit to the workshop at the Race Team's principal sponsor, Purbeck Media Group, saw a transformation take place as a vinyl wrap unveiled the livery design. The car returned from the workshop fully branded as 'Sub Zero' and proudly displaying The Swanage School crest, Race Team logo and sponsor branding.

Our sincere thanks to Purbeck Media Group, especially to owner Terry Edmunds and designer Thilo Otterpohl for their input, advice and design assistance. Their time and generosity in providing not only the material, design time and vinyl wrap for the car, but also banners, flags and kit for the team - hoodies, caps and branded overalls - has been amazing and we are incredibly grateful.
Thanks also to The Swanage & Purbeck Rotary, from whom the Team received a funding donation, and to Purbeck Coast Radio for their coverage of the preparations ahead of race day.
If you would like to sponsor the Race Team and can offer funds, materials, tools or expertise please get in touch with DT Teacher Mr Duke.
There was just time for a quick test spin around the school before the van was loaded ready for an early departure on race day - a 5am set off to arrive at Goodwood by 7.30am!

The Greenpower Education Trust
Through the Formula 24 Championship, The Greenpower Education Trust seek to inspire young people around the world to excel in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths through a unique challenge: to design, build and race an electric car. It is a UK based charity with an outstanding track record in kick starting careers in engineering, helping unlock potential and sparking enthusiasm for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) through the excitement of motorsport.
Teams of students aged 9 to 25 from across the globe compete at Greenpower events in the UK and other countries including USA, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and China. The annual International Final takes place at venues such as the UK's Silverstone National Circuit and Goodwood Motor Circuit.
Images by Joss, Race Team photographer.
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