12 February 2021

Newsletter February 2021

Newsletter February 2021

Another half-term has come to an end and that signals that it's time for another edition of Making Waves, bringing you updates and news from The Swanage School.

In this issue: Read all about our new RACE TEAM, which is a significant new STEM initiative and about which we are very excited, as well as articles on the positive impact that Arbor (our new  information system) is having on communication with parents, the benefits of studying Geography, and updates on Year 9 option choices and the cancellation of exams for Year 11. There's also special thanks to our kitchen team for preparing over 160 meals three times a week in the Cooking for the Community project, as well as the usual staff news. New for this edition, we are sharing a few updates on our "alumni" - it's been really good to find out what past students are doing now and we asked a few "guinea pigs" to complete our survey with a view to a full roll-out next half-term.

Read the newsletter here

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